Maou no hajimekata как стать повелителем демонов
maou no hajimekata - the comic - raw: maou no hajimekata - the comic - raw; other names: 魔王の始め方 the comic, 成为魔王的方法, Как стать. : MAOU NO HAJIMEKATA - THE COMIC - RAW; Other names: 魔王の始め方 THE COMIC, 成为魔王的方法, Как стать повелителем демонов. Title : 魔王の始め方 THE COMIC 第01-05巻 Maou no Hajimekata – The Comic vol 01-05 Associated Names (一般コミック) 笑うヤカン 小宮利公. Released by AZ 第04-05巻. Title : 笑うヤカン 小宮利公 魔王の始め方 THE COMIC 第01-05巻 Associated Names (一般コミック) 笑うヤカン. I do not trust humans. They'll betray you without fail. Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life through research.